Tips & Rack Card Printing for Effective Marketing

7th Jan 2014

The challenge with any form of marketing is standing out from the crowd of marketing tactics used by others. Kustom Printz provides rack card printing, but before we print them, here’s some tips for creating effective rack cards.

  • Grab Their Attention

Add eye catching graphics or headlines to the top of your card to capture the interest of the reader. Use colors that compliment each other and stand out. Avoid stock photography as much as possible and instead use any original photography you might have relating to your business. Many rack cards will be displayed with only the top half showing, so make sure any important information you want to use to grab their attention gets put on the top half without getting too cluttered.

  • Keep Your Brand In Mind

Make sure your rack cards are staying consistent with the rest of your brand. The color, content, and quality all reflect your brand image. Go with marketing materials that will positively impact the perception of your customers. Make sure you include all of your basic business information that is needed for the purpose of your rack cards like phone numbers or maps.

  • Consider Technology

Even though rack cards aren’t an electronic form of marketing, that doesn’t mean you still can’t take advantage of the internet. On your cards, include links that direct people to your online promotions, website, or social media pages. QR codes are a great way to point people to your website. You can then track the effectiveness of your campaign by seeing who is coming to your site because of the QR codes your rack cards.

  • Use Incentives and A Call To Action

Add value to your rack cards by adding incentives like coupons, discounts, or giveaways. Get creative and think of benefits that will appeal to potential customers. Use a call to action to get people to act on your incentives . Make it simple and direct so it’s clear what a customer needs to do.

Our goal with rack cards is to get your target audience to not only notice your cards but ultimately pick one up. Kustom Printz is here to help create great rack cards and for rack card printing!